Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 2, Day 3 | Attack

Week 2 is in full swing here @ Malibu. Today was full of Pool Olympics and Regatta and tonight kids will dart through camp in cabins for the Amazing Race trying to find Jimmy Ike, the program character who was kidnapped by the villain, Kashi Karl.

Amidst the fun and controlled chaos of camp, our assignment team is under attack. It's week 2, we're comfortable, we're settled and the enemy is coming after our team. It seems that sleep is the battlefield for our team. Please join us in praying for the following things/people.

  • For Kelli on program, she's not sleeping well. Pray for rest and peace in her heart and mind at night when she lays down to sleep.
  • For Jed on program. He is not sleeping well either. His wife and 2 daughters were not able to make it up here for this assignment because Rawni teaches summer school. Rawni and the girls have been sick back home, and that makes it harder for Jed to be fully present here. Pray for peace and rest for Jed and for health for Rawni, Bailey and Charlie.
  • Nate, our speaker is also not sleeping well. He woke up in the middle of the night last night because of nightmares. Pray for rest, peace and for truth to reign in Nate's mind and heart, even as he sleeps.
  • We have a camper here named Keith who has not slept for 6 days. He's a tough kid and for some reason he can't sleep. Pray that Keith would find peace, rest and the love of Jesus this week and that he would sleep, and sleep well. May he be surprised at how well he sleeps here @ Malibu.
  • Several leaders have said that they have kids who are agnostic, but are beginning to entertain the idea that there is something more, something bigger than us. Pray for those kids to hear Truth and to be set free because of it.

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