Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boat Day | Out with the old in with the new

Today was boat day. Our 2nd week of campers arrived today on the Malibu Princess while our work crew 1st week of campers cheered them off the boat. Last night was Say So with our first week of campers. Scripture says for the redeemed of the Lord to "say so". At YL camps, we give kids the chance to stand before their peers and proclaim their choice to follow Christ after their week of being @ camp. Last night 56 teenagers stood up in the club room and declared their decision to follow Jesus this week. It was awesome and wonderful and an honor to be witness to.

PRAY: A girl I have gotten to know this week while playing volleyball named Shelby from LaGrange, TX stood up @ Say So last night. After wards, I stopped her and hugged her and told her how proud of her I was. I asked her what home was like for her and she said, "There's a lot of alcohol and drinking." She went on to tell me that she spent the 2 weeks prior to camp drunk. She would go to school drunk and even spent one night sick in the bathroom for 5 hours after drinking with friends. She said she knew she wanted to get rid of that way of life and that she really does want to live her life fully for Jesus, but that going home would be hard because her family and friend so readily offer her alcohol. Please join me in praying for Shelby as she returns home tomorrow to LaGrange.

It was sad to say goodbye to a group of leaders and kids that we have grown to know and love over the last 7 days. During our week with our first camp, I got to pray with Evette, the leader from Colorado Springs whose husband is battling cancer back home. We prayed together and wept together. She is an amazing woman and it was terribly hard to say goodbye to her on the dock today. Please continue to PRAY with me for Evette and her husband Mark as they go through this tough time together.

Week one is gone. Week two is here. Week one was a group of 194. Week two is a group of 311. Week two has a lot of energy. Currently, they are sitting in the club room across Main St from me singing, jumping and rattling the club room windows. PRAY for this group of kids, for soft hearts. PRAY for their leaders. We have groups from Montanna, California, Colorado and Texas here with us. They are tired and many of them began their trek to camp on Thursday. PRAY for our assignment team and for me, as we are tired. I hit the wall right before dinner and am sipping a half cup of coffee in hopes that it will keep me going until the final cabin is tucked in, but not fuel me so much so that I can't sleep tonight.

Our God is good. So incredibly good. Kids lives are being changed and the Kingdom is growing. Thank you for reading, for praying and for caring.

My half cup of coffee and I are off to man the Info Booth for the Obstacle Course.

More to come...

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