Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blame it on the Rain

It's day 6 of week 2. At the beginning of this week Harold (Malibu's property manager) and I made a little weather wager. Harold said that the weather would continue to be warm and sunny, while I bet that it would rain this week. The stakes: a latte form Hamilton's. It's been raining for the last 3 days...sorry Harold. Below are some happenings, fun and otherwise, as well as prayer requests for this week and next.

| Happenings |
  • Day 5 @ Malibu is ropes day, so the A-team spent the day in the trees with campers and leaders alike conquering-or at least confronting-their fears. I was tethered to a tree from 6:30AM to 4:00PM. The setting: the forest. The smell: graphite and damp earth. The sounds: the patter of rain on the trees, the clipping sounds of caribiners and the guttural screams of campers as they left the jump platform.
  • We have a group of tough kids here from Montana. They are rough around the edges and a split second away from starting a brawl with a a group of boys from California. Several of these young men came to my platform yesterday on the ropes course and I realized as they leaned over to spit off my platform, that they were expectorating chewing tobacco. Nice.
  • Another adventure on the ropes was one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. One of our program guys, Andy-who is smaller in stature, and by stature I mean weight-was on the divide section of the ropes course. We had a leader come through who decided he wanted to get down and wouldn't be able to finish the course. The divide is the only place to get down from the ropes course before you get to the jump platform. So it was Andy's task to belay this leader down. The only problem was that this leader weighed at least twice, if not three times as much as Andy. So when Andy had the leader scoot off the divide platform, the leader went down about 5 feet and Andy went up in the air about 5 feet. Katie (one of our WC bosses) who was on the divide platform with Andy grabbed onto his arm and a few other staff quickly hurried over to hold Andy down and to get the belay device to lower this leader to the ground. It all took about 5 minutes, and once we realized that everyone was safe, we all had a good laugh, even the leader.
  • Today, Harold bought me my victory latte. He even conceded that the rain was good for Malibu because we were nearing fire danger levels, since it had been so long since we'd had any rain. So it was a win-win situation for all, except Harold's Hamilton's tab.
  • I got a card from a dear wonderful friend and a little care package with gluten and dairy free brownie mix in it arrived by plane the other day from another wonderful friend! It's amazing how special mail is when you're away!
  • John Franklin, our divisional VP for YL in the West flew into camp on Tuesday for a visit and to see how our assignment team was doing. It was great to spend time with John and to hear his feedback on our assignment-all good things!
| Prayer |
  • Last night was the message of the Cross in club. Kids had a 20 minute quiet time last night and they will have another 15 this evening after club to consider their response to Christ's sacrifice for us. Tonight @ 10pm, we will have Say So, where kids will get to stand and state their decision to enter into a relationship with Christ. Pray for this night, and for this time of Say So.
  • Our a-team is sleeping much better as a whole, please pray for continued rest and renewal for all of our team, work crew and summer staff.
  • We had a SS girl-Anna- who has a staph infection in her leg. Pray for healing and that it would not spread, especially towards her heart-if it starts streaking towards her heart, we will have to fly her out immediately.
  • We have a WC kid-Carlos-who is dealing with issues of racism, being a minority on the WC. He left his job last night and started packing his bags. When is WC boss, who is also his YL leader, went to him he said, "Leave me alone and let me pack and leave, or else I will start destroying things." He settled down and went back to work and is doing well today. Pray for a soft heart for Carlos as well redemption in his heart regarding race and living in community.
  • Tomorrow is Day 7 of Week 2 and Day 1 of Week 3. It's a hard day. We don't get a break between camps and literally have 2 in camp at the same time. Pray for us, that we would give week 3 our best and find rest somewhere in the day.
With joy and many thanks!


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