Saturday, June 20, 2009


The club room @ Say So, week 2
  • 2 nights ago was Say So for week 2. 66 kids stood up to state their decision to follow Christ because of their week @ camp. It's always an incredible event full of tears and smiles. Love it!
  • Yesterday was boat day. Week 2 headed out and week 3 made their way into camp. On the way out to the outer dock, the ski boat we were in blew an impeller. No big deal, there were other boats to tow us back in...except that we were in the middle of the Malibu rapids. That's a little more of a big deal. Kiki from the dock did a great job of getting us through the rapids and another ski boat came to tow us back. A little panic, a little fun and it all worked out in the end...well except for the impeller.
  • Things that I hear regularly that don't make me think twice: "Alright it's time for the cheesy song of the night, so guys, turn in your man cards and sing this like you mean it." (Jonah @ club) "Connor, you need to let your sister play with the chicken now." (one of our a-team wives talking to her kids in the pool who are playing with a rubber chicken in the pool) "The volleyball is in the inlet again..." "There is a kid coming through the obstacle course in a wrestling singlet and an entire cabin coming through barefoot." "They're throwing the salmon heads in the inlet again." "Has anyone seen my wig?"

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