Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the Battlefield

In 1983, Pat Benetar let us all know that Love is Battlefield. If that song were re-written for me, the title would be Sleep is a Battlefield.

Stress and anxiety manifest themselves in my body in a number of ways, the most noticeable being sleep issues. Lately I have been falling asleep for a few hours and then waking up suddenly and being awake for a good 2-3 hours in the middle of the night. This makes for one tired Jen. It is always a goal of mine to not arrive on assignment exhausted. I'm trying to be extra good about getting to bed early and taking care of myself so that I am whole and healthy when I get to camp.

If you think of me in the next 3 weeks, would you ask the Lord to help me sleep while on assignment? Would you also ask him to help me get two great nights of sleep before we arrive @ Malibu?


  1. Let's take a nap together when I get there:)

  2. Jen, we are praying for you, that God would give you great sleep & allow your body to rejuvinate & rest so you can wake refreshed as a daisy and allow you to be the best he has created you to be. We love you and MISS YOU GREATLY.
    Today was my first day @ the office (all alone) There were quite a few rock ridge that came in PRAISE JESUS! We will continue prayer that God will move in the Freshman classes across NWC and lead them to sign up and have the week of their lives.I will be sending out the letters & forms tomorrow for those.A few of the WFR those went on the wait list for a total of 4. Quite a few of Malibu camp registration. It is a great thing to see those coming in how fun. Ok well we are praying for all of those that you shared about. We all have struggles and aren't just lucky to have someone who shared Jesus with us that we have his continued love, strength, and strong hands to hold us up in those times. I love ya BIG talk w/ you soon.
