Cabin Uniforms
This group of girls from Houston, TX wins my cabin uniform of the week award. They had these terribly awesome dresses from various decades for their cabin uniforms @ the volleyball tournament on Day 2.
Water Balloon Cannon, check.
Eric Friesen might have built a water balloon cannon for our program team to use during the volleyball tournament, instead of the old fashioned surgical tubing and funnel method. We launched balloons from the gym all the way to forbidden island. The kids loved it!
Actually, it's been about 75-80 degrees or more since we've been here. But Eric & Shelby Friesen (who are basically my family) are here as adult guest hosts. A little bit of home, here on assignment. It's osm!
Right now I"m sitting on the upper deck of Kanata Lodge, which is the new assignment team housing @ Malibu. It's beautiful, wonderful and such a blessing to our assignment team. From across camp, I can hear the shouts and cheers of Pool Olympics echoing off the granite walls that surround this place. Kids are having fun, kids are being loved and in about 20 minutes they will experience a Malibu snow storm. When Pool Olympics is done, they will head to the inlet for Regatta, which will end with a snow storm (fire retardant foam sprayed all over campers while Christmas music plays-don't worry, it's totally safe). I'm off to take a nap, or at least lay in my bed for a while.
Things to note, that are great:
- I now have not just 1 but 2 bottles of shampoo, thanks to the Friesens and Jenny Dow!
- I have my own room and a dear friend on property staff gave me his fan so that I can sleep better at night.
- The Friesens are here, which is osm.
- Our program team and Nate are doing an incredible job.
- Our head leader team is amazing!
- We have leader here from CO, whose husband is dying of cancer back home. She felt like she was supposed to be here with here kids, so she made the trek to camp. Pray for her, for her heart, for her husband and for her kids-this could be an incredible witness to them. Her name is Evette.
- We have an adult guest here who buried his dad last Wednesday right before they came up here. Pray for peace and for rest for him. His name is Shane.
- Pray for Jed, Kelli and Andy, our program team, for energy and strong voices (when you yell into a mic as much as they do, your voice can get a little tired).
- Pray for Nate, for clear words to share with kids and for continued favor with this group.
- We have a lot of southern kids here. Pray for them to encounter Christ in a new and powerful way, that will be not only life changing.
I saw those Friesens leaving on Saturday afternoon! Eric's hair was whipping in the wind in the was perfect.