Sunday, May 8, 2011

my other favorite place

12 years ago this fall, I moved to Bellingham to attend college @ WWU.  I remember someone telling me before I left Olympia that I would love Bellingham and never want to leave. I was quite skeptical and little did I know that 12 years later I would still be here and that it would be one of my favorite places on earth.

Bellingham is a little bit scrappy, a lot bit organic, incredibly beautiful and very laid back.  I will miss hiking with friends, fire pit and foilies @ the Wiley Ranch (aka my home), spontaneous kayak trips, driving with the windows down, popsicles and flip flops, Ski to Sea festivities, my church family and so much more.

But if you know me @ all, you know that Malibu is my favorite place.  Living half of the year in the Canadian wilderess @ Malibu is exciting and lovely.  However, I will miss many things about my beloved Bellingham while I am away this summer and early fall.

Sunsets over Bellingham Bay
Thai food

Saturday Farmer's Market

The Friesens.  My Bellingham family.

The Wileys.  The greatest friends and neighbors a girl could ever ask for.

1 comment:

  1. Bellingham will certainly miss you this summer but so excited for you and your adventure at Malibu!!! We are blessed that you are on Malibu Staff!!! xoxoxo
