Sunday, May 15, 2011

marking time & other musings

Here @ Malibu we mark time in a manner that is much different than the rest of the world.  Here the days have no names, just numbers.  If you stopped me suddenly on the boardwalk and demanded to know the day of the week, there is a 40% chance I would be able to answer you correctly.  I will know that it is Day 2 or 4 or that it is boat day, but there is a very small chance that I will know the actual day of the week.  Friends and family members' birthdays and anniversaries fly by without me realizing it (please forgive me if I miss yours).  It's different, it's crazy and it's also lovely.

Most days feel like 2 days in 1.  Tomorrow is quite literally 2 days in 1.  It's day 7/1.  The Princess will arrive around 1:30pm with our new group of campers.  Meanwhile, our outgoing camp will line the boardwalk waiting to board the Princess after the new camp disembarks.  For a brief 30 minute period we have 2 camps (roughly 600-700) kids in camp at once.  The average day 7/1 is a 15-18 hour work day for me.

It's a very good thing that the day before day 7/1 is day 6 and my day off.   Emma, one of our interns, shares my day off with me.  She stayed @ my house last night, so this morning we slept in, drank coffee, ate granola and peaches and watched Gilmore Girls until it was time to head into camp for lunch.  The rest of my day off, as usual, was spent cleaning, doing laundry and trying to sneak in some quality time with friends who are here for the week as leaders.

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