Saturday, December 3, 2011

oh Canada...

During the summer,  we sing O Canada @ Malibu twice a week.  Day 3 lunch is chili lunch.  It's also become hockey lunch.  The WC servers wear our Hockey Night @ Malibu (see below) t-shirts, there are hockey center pieces on the tables and the Malibu staff and interns sing O Canada to open the meal.

On night 4, after the cabin horn, the property staff and interns play silent floor hockey with the assignment team and summer staff in the gym.  The first weeks of the session we play inter-mixed and the final week of the session we play "Property vs. the World".  The Property is always victorious.  Before the game begins, we don our Hockey Night @ Malibu shirts-red and blue-to distinguish teams and then gather around the YL logo in the center of the gym to sing O Canada.  Then we play silent floor hockey (so as not to wake up the campers) until usually 1am.  It makes for a hard Day 5 for me as I usually open the ropes course between 5:30 and 6:00am.  I have a dent in my left shin bone from a hockey blade and I took 2 slap shots from Harold (our property manager and expert hockey player) to the shin.  Both left behind deep, dark bruises.  We take hockey seriously @ Malibu.

Our 2nd session program team did Day 3 hockey lunch and also deemed Day 4 lunch baseball lunch.  The program team suited up in baseball uniforms (from my old high school nonetheless!) and had the dining hall stand to sing the Star Spangled Banner.  The first week of the session, on Day 4 lunch, I stood with everyone else and realized that it had been so long since I had sung our national anthem, that I was pretty rusty.  Never in my life would I have guessed that I would a). know another country's national anthem by heart or b). struggle to remember my own national anthem.

I am a US citizen.  I am a part time Canadian.

O Canada, our home and native land
True patriot love in all thy sons command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north strong and free
From far and wide O Canada
We stand on guard for thee
God keep our land glorious and free
O Canada we stand on guard for thee
O Canada we stand on guard for thee

If I were a true Canadian, I think I would have to know this in both English and French.  I think I would also have to swear an oath to the Queen.  I'm ok being a part time Canadian :)

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