Monday, November 14, 2011

the Kiwis have taken over

This winter we have some international guests staying @ Malibu.  2 are Candians, 3 are Brits and 17 are New Zealanders (henceforth referred to as Kiwis).  They are mountain bike trail builders working for NZ Trail Solutions out of New Zealand.  They are building mountain bike trails on 1,700 acres of land down the inlet from Malibu.  The land is owned by a private investor group with 2 goals in mind: land conservation and extreme mountain biking.

The boys are staying with us for somewhere between 12 and 14 months.  They've already been living @ Malibu for 2 months.  They work 6 days a week and rest on Sundays.  They eat breakfast @ 7am and then head up the inlet to the work site and return "home" around 4:30pm.  Sharon & Stacie serve dinner @ 6pm and then the rest of the evening is theirs to watch TV, rock climb (when I'm in camp), play basketball, email home or play Settler's of Catan.

A few weeks ago, we taught them how to play hockey...Harold was proud of them, as they did quite well and caught on to the important notion of passing.

We're learning a lot of great Kiwi vocab words like jandals, heaps, keen and mate.

As you think about Malibu, would you pray for our Kiwi friends?  Pray for their safety, as they are working in a very remote place doing very physical work.

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