Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I have a new office

In a crazy orchestration of events, in July of 2010, I left Young Life field staff and found myself with the job I had always had in the back of my mind, but one I thought could never be a reality.  I am honored to tell you that I will no longer update this blog once a year for a month in the summer while I'm on assignment, but will update it regularly, as I am now on full time property staff @ Malibu.

I have been hired as the Guest Services Coordinator and Marketing Manager for my favorite place on earth.  The last several months have been quite the adventure.

Some highlights:
  • In October, I marched into the Lynden border crossing and asked to begin the process of getting my Canadian work visa.  Thanks to NAFTA, I was granted this document that will allow me to work in Canada for the next 3 years and possibly up to 5 years. 
    It would have been well within reason for them to deny me this work visa, but our God is greater.
  • I spent Halloween @ Malibu.  Terri, Bruce and I trick or treating to the only occupied house on the property.  Also, Terri and I spent the evening carving pumpkins for the Property Managers Meeting that arrive on November 1.
  • Over the course of this year I will obtain many cool and obscure trainings and certifications.  For instance, in February, I went to sound & light training.  I can tell you all about what exactly is inside of a speaker, set up and adjust your soundboard and identify stage lighting items.  In just a few days I leave for Arizona to receive my high ropes course operation certification.  My resume will be quite interesting to say the least.
This property and this job are adventures in themselves and I am excited to spend my first summer @ Malibu.  I'm excited to keep you updated on what we're up to and how God is working in my life through this new role.

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