Sunday, April 25, 2010

June 2010 | Malibu Assignment

This summer I get the honor of returning to Malibu for the month of June to serve on the 1st Session Assignment Team.

For the first summer in 4 years, I will not be filling the role of Head Leader.  I have been placed as the Work Crew Coordinator for this year's assignment.  The WC Coordinator is basically the mama bear of the Work Crew.  We will have 44 high school students from across the US coming to volunteer for 3 weeks of their summer and work harder than they've ever thought of working.  I will oversee this group of kids as well as 4 fantastic adult Work Crew bosses who will work directly along side of the WC kids.  As the mama bear, I get to care for, work with and extend loving discipline when necessary.

If you find yourself reading this blog, I ask that you would pray for us.  Even now, less than 40 days before our arrival @ Malibu, I ask that you pray with and for us.

Things to pray for @ this point in time:
  • our WC Bosses: Dan Hartsoch, Ryan Johnston, Sarah Field and Angie Leon
  • one our of WC girls found out recently that her dad has cancer.
  • for all the travel details of getting an almost entirely Southern US Work Crew to Seattle and then to Malibu

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