Sunday, April 1, 2012

once upon a time in Alaska

 Going to Alaska was an item on my 30 before 30 list.  So in February, I packed my bags and flew with my friend Kristin and her infant daughter to Anchorage to visit friends.

My friend Alison drove me to the airport and on the way she asked what I thought Alaska would be like.  I told her I wasn't sure, but that in my mind's eye there were polar bears and moose all over the place and people cross country skied everywhere because of all of the snow.  Well,  this giant polar bear was waiting for me outside out gate in the Anchorage airport.

 Then, after piling in Sheri's car, we see this  after being in Alaska less than 30 minutes.

Sheri's husband (and Kristin's brother) is a hunter, so naturally this was hanging above my bed.

 Then we went to Costco and I found this treasure.

While visiting the fine city of Anchorage, there just so happened to be a fur festival going on called the Fur Rendezvous or Fur Rondy for those in the know.  Fur Rondy was kicked off by a grand parade featuring these wonders.

It was about 8 degrees during the parade, and we were in the shade...I'm pretty sure that my fingers got frostbite and there is a chance little Hugo and Ivan here also got a little too cold. 

Then we drove down Cook Inlet.

Then we went to the fur auction and found this man.

Alaska may be the funniest place I've ever been.  The people were unconventional, but so kind, good, honest and hard working.  I laughed and I learned a ton about this unique part of our country. 

Thank you Alaska for being interesting and comical.  I will be back to see you someday...