Thursday, July 7, 2011

welcome to the main event

Sometimes I think that this thing we do here called Young Life camping isn't really so different from a circus.  Life is never dull or boring here @ Malibu.  We have a rhythm and routine to things, but compared to the average bear's work environment, Malibu is quite abnormal.

The following are things that are part of a normal work week for me:
  • Throw and direct anywhere from 10,000-30,000 lbs. of freight and luggage every 6 days.  And by "throw" I do mean throw.
  • Catch kids @ the bottom of the water slide @ the end of our obstacle course to keep kids safe and things moving along (sometimes I catch a foot to the shin and last week I got kicked in the neck).
  • Get creative for intern fun night-a few weeks ago we had a floating bonfire in the middle of the inlet and made s'mores while sitting in kayaks
  • Play silent floor hockey from 11pm to 1am every night 4.
  • Put on a carnival, dance party and pool party all in the course of about an hour and a half.
  • Get a "ride" home from bible study in a ski boat @ twilight.
We often say to each other how much we love our jobs and how we can't believe that this is where we get to work and what we get to do.   I am blessed by this place and what we get to do in serving kids and their YL leaders, but what I have been caught up with lately is how blessed I am by the people I get to work with.  Last week on my day off, I was moved to tears as I thanked our God for the people in my life and specifically who I work with here.

I am beyond grateful for the interns in my department-for the stellar work that they do in their roles and also for their hearts and character.   Assignment team, leaders, other staff and interns here have all been huge blessings to me as of late.  This week we have a fantastic medical team with their families who have been a joyful blessing to me.

God is so good.  This place is incredible, and the hearts he has given his people bless me greatly.  We might run a circus around here, but it's lovely and is affecting eternity.