Tuesday, June 22, 2010

once a week I dress like a pirate for dinner

It's totally normal to dress like a pirate for dinner.  It's also totally normal to send your Work Crew boys to bed @ 10:30pm only to have them woken up @ midnight, blindfolded and "kidnapped" to go through the Malibu Ropes Course in the dark. 

It's day 4 of our last week here.  I can't believe it's gone so fast and that I have to take these 42 incredible kids to the airport on Saturday.  It's been fun, it's been hard, it's been an honor to serve with these kids and our Work Crew team.

I am healthy.  Thanks for those of you who prayed for my health!  We've had a few fevers and kids put on bed rest for 24 hours, but overall we are whole and in one piece.

Below are some pictures of our WC boss team and kids.  Please be praying for our transition home and for these kids as they return home.  Some of them return to hostile and unhealthy situations, others will go off to college.  Pray that when given the choice of the world or Jesus, that they would choose Jesus.  

Tomorrow we will be on the ropes course from 6am until 5pm.  Then we get the day off as Work Crew and Summer Staff.  Pray for us to have fun, rest and get some closure as we enjoy a time off together.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Five Alive

Five alive is a orange juice box drink served here @ Malibu.  It contains 100% of your recommended daily vitamin C.  Today I have had 2 Five Alives.  Today I am feeling under the weather.  I have a sore throat, runny nose and zero energy.  PRAY for health.  Not just for me, but for our whole Work Crew.  We have several sick kids.  Jason who works in the pits is on doctor ordered bed rest for the next 24 hours.  He has a fever and very sore throat.  Abby from the dining hall is in bed resting from severe head and chest congestion.  Illness @ camp and specifically the work crew can spread quickly because we are living and working so closely.  Please pray for our health and wellness!

| In other news... |
  • 4 days ago was night 6 for our first week of campers.  Night 6 is Say So night here @ Malibu where campers are given the chance to declare their decision to walk with Jesus.  We had a number of kids stand up and at the very end after they had all sat down, one young man from Montana stood and said that when he got here, he was determined to do everything to keep God out of his heart, but after being here for a week, he couldn't keep God out of his heart and in fact wanted Him there!  It was an incredible end to a great week!
  • Week 2 is under way here-it's day 3 for this camp and today they will compete in the Pool Olympics and Malibu Regatta.
  • Our WC boy in charge of collecting the trash from all over camp is the happiest, friendliest 6 foot 7 inch young man I have ever encountered.  The highlight of his Malibu experience is getting to clean the bottom of the boats while they are still in the water.
  • Our outdoor crew boys' highlight from yesterday was getting to take out some power lines.
  • Our Work Crew kids love each other so much that they are already planning our reunion.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We are the Work Crew. We work @ Malibu.

We are in full swing here @ Malibu.  It's Day 3 here (we don't keep track of days of the week- we just know days by their camp day number) and our kids are learning their jobs and doing an incredible job!  Here are some highlights from our time with our WC kids:
  •   We have 42 work crew kids-14 male and 28 female.  There are 2 male and 2 female work crew bosses who work alongside of the kids in their departments.  I get to work with and oversee all of them.
  • Friday, June 5th I spent all day in SeaTac airport picking up our kids as they flew in from all across the US (Georgia, the Carolinas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona, etc.)  They all arrived safely and happily.
  • The first day we were here was without campers.  It was a day of training and getting camp ready.  While my WC boss team and I were in a meeting, our kids had finished their jobs and made their way into our lounge on their own to worship together.  It was wonderful to see them signing together without us suggesting it.  (there is a picture of it above).
  • Day 1 here @ camp is boat day when the Malibu Princess brings in not only the entire camp but also 20,000 pounds of freight.  It poured down rain while we were doing freight, but our work crew is so stellar that they loaded it all on smaller boats and then unloaded and hauled the freight into camp in about 2 hours which is a boat day record.  
  • On night one, our dining hall crew served, bused and reset the dining hall in an hour which Sharon (the head chef) said was easily a night 1, week 1 record. 
  • Our kids are hard workers, and are getting long so well!  I can't imagine having to say goodbye to them in 2.5 weeks.
Things you can be praying for:
  • Health.  We have some kids with sore throats and sniffles.  We don't want any sickeness because it spreads so quickly.
  • For WC unity to continue.
  • For health and rest for our WC boss team.
  • For the campers that are here right now.  They're a very interesting camp-a lot of energy, kids who are into/think they're vampires.  It's a very strange feeling week.  Pray for them as they process the gospel as JC (our speaker) presents it.
  • For rest for me and everyone here putting camp on-assignment team, property staff, work crew, summer staff and interns.