Sunday, May 31, 2009

Luke 1:19

A dear and wise friend of mine recently shared a passage of scripture with me as an encouragement. This scripture has encouraged me, challenged me and it even inspired the title of this little blog of mine.

In Luke chapter 1, the angel, Gabriel, visits Zecariah to tell of John the Baptist's birth. When Zecariah asks how he can be sure of what he is hearing, the angel boasts not of his rank as head of the LORD's angel army, but touts his true identity...

I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to you to speak to you and tell you this good news. (v. 19)

As a follwer of Christ, I long for this to be what I embrace as my true identity. I am however, broken and sin-filled and terribly prone to please others. My prayer for our assignment team and specifically my head leader team is for us to wrap out lives around this truth that we may be more effective in telling the good news to those we are being sent to.

May this be true for you as well...


I am not a blogger. I do not want a blog. But I do love to share stories, to communicate and to be efficient. Hence the creation of this blog.

In 5 days I will be whisked off on a boat through the waters of the Jervis Inlet to Malibu for my Young Life summer assignment.

The LORD is going to move powerfully in the lives of teenagers and adults alike and I would love to invite those of you reading about the adventures of our assignment to pray with and for us.

I hope to update this blog a few times a week, sharing stories, pictures, victories and prayer requests.

Bievenidos y gracias por leer.

(welcome and thank you for reading)